Perl is a widely used language, which is used to build various web applications and CGI scripts. A number of programmers consider it to be among the most effective languages out there since it supports the usage of modules - tiny parts of code with pre-defined subroutines which are used to perform a particular task. The modules will save you time and effort and they will contribute to the quick speed of your websites as you'll be able to include just one line of program code to call a certain module instead of using all the program code for the task within your script. Perl is a universal programming language primarily used for scripts, but it's been used to create a variety of popular pieces of web software too, for instance cPanel, BugZilla and Movable Type. It's also used on high-traffic websites such as IMDB, Craigslist, Ticketmaster and many more.
Perl Scripting in Hosting
You are able to use CGI scripts and applications written in Perl with all of our Linux hosting service as we have a rich library more than 3000 modules present on our custom cloud hosting platform so as to make sure that all dependencies for a tailor-made or a ready-made script are there whenever you need them. You'll be able to run a .pl file in two separate ways - either manually via your website, or automatically through a cron job that will run a particular file regularly. In case the package which you've bought doesn't come with cron jobs included, you'll be able to add as many as you want through the Upgrades menu in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Also, you have to ensure that the script file features the proper executable permissions. When you use our shared plans, you're able to create a website with as many functions and features as you would like.
Perl Scripting in Semi-dedicated Servers
You are able to use any Perl-based app, including CGI scripts, with all of the semi-dedicated servers that we supply as Perl is supported on all of our servers. You will be able to make every .pl file executable by setting the proper UNIX permissions for it through the Hepsia Control Panel or through any kind of FTP client and in accordance with the actual script, it may be executed manually as a result of some action the client performs on your site, or automatically through a cron job that you can create in your account. If you choose to use a script which you have found online and it needs specific modules to be present on the server, you are able to take full advantage of our rich library which features over 3000 modules. In this way, you can be sure that any kind of Perl app that you write or find online will perform flawlessly on our end.