Most of the emails sent around the world these days are spam, i.e. undesired messages with different offers or with hyperlinks to malicious software. Not only are such email messages annoying, but they also present a risk to your own PC, not to mention that you may be ripped off. That is the reason why many mail service providers resort to spam filters, which are software apps that monitor all incoming emails and filter out the undesired ones on the basis of their content – what words or phrases an email message includes and how often they’re cited, what website a specific hyperlink leads to, what outgoing SMTP mail server the email message comes from, and so on. Some hosting companies also make use of the databases of spam-tracing organizations dedicated to providing the most up-to-date information about unwanted email messages, to ensure that their clients won’t get any message in their mailbox that is not supposed to be there.
Spam Filters in Hosting
Our hosting servers use one of the best spam filters available on the market. It’s called SpamAssassin and is offered with every cloud hosting package, so in case you host your domains with us, you can select one of the five protection levels that the spam filter offers for any email account that you have here. You can accomplish this with just 2 clicks from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that’s used to manage all shared hosting accounts. SpamAssassin checks the header section and the content of each message, gives it a spam score and then proceeds based on the level that you’ve chosen. Each email account can have a different level and you can choose whether the email messages that the filter considers as spam should be erased or forwarded to a separate email account where you can check them later, so as to prevent deleting a genuine email message. Changing the level or disabling the protection is also stunningly easy.
Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server plans come with first-class spam protection ensured by the popular SpamAssassin email filter, which rates all incoming emails on the basis of a spam score in accordance with patterns and parameters, such as the frequency of certain keywords and phrases, the subject, the sender, etc. When you enable the filter for any email account via the Email Manager section of your Hepsia Control Panel, you can choose between 5 separate levels of security – from very low to very high. If you keep receiving unsolicited bulk email messages, you can raise the level, or if legitimate messages are mistaken for spam, you can lower it. Activating or deactivating the anti-spam protection takes as little as two clicks of the mouse and you can choose if the filtered emails should be erased right away or if they should be redirected to a designated mailbox where you can view them at a later point in time, so as to make sure that the email messages that you need won’t disappear.