Webmail is a handy alternative to popular computer and phone e-mail apps if you don't have access to your personal computer and also you do not have a smartphone. You will be able to access your e-mails through any browser, so that you can keep in touch with people if you take a trip and you go to an Internet cafe, for instance. Webmail applications are rather advanced, so not only will you have the ability to send and receive messages, you can also use an address book, set up a customized signature as well as make new folders, that can afterwards show up in your PC e-mail application. You should know that the e-mail messages available in the webmail are the ones on the server, so if you set up an email in a PC app using the POP protocol, the messages will be saved on your desktop and they will not be available in the webmail. The solution in this case is to use the IMAP protocol whenever you create your e-mails in a personal computer application.
Webmail RoundCube in Hosting
In case you have a Linux hosting service with our company, you will be able to work with Roundcube, an advanced webmail app. You'll be able to access it either through the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, which is used to manage the account, or directly by inputting a URL inside your Internet browser and then entering your e-mail address and the password for it. You'll be able to open the app using your own URL http://webmail.your-domain.com if the e-mails are employed by a company or maybe a corporation, for example. Roundcube comes with practically all the features that you might require from an e-mail app and you can now easily create different identities for a certain e-mail, set up and make use of an address book, set up folders or HTML signatures, select the time zone according to where you are at the moment, and more.
Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Servers
All our semi-dedicated servers come with a feature-rich webmail application named Roundcube, which can be accessed either by typing its URL within your Internet browser and after that entering the needed e-mail, or by clicking on a given e-mail account inside the Emails section of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Either way, you will sign in to an easy-to-navigate interface where one can control your emails and folders, set up aliases or HTML signatures, fine-tune the time zone to the one you need, set up and use an address book, and much more. Roundcube can quickly substitute any kind of desktop program. If you use the semi-dedicated account for hosting a domain of a company or an organization, it is simple to set up a customized URL with that domain name for the staff members to access their email messages, as an alternative to our default URL.