What is Moodle?

Moodle can be described as an application for making variable online courses. Created for giving tutors the right instruments for content material presentation and learning assessment purposes, it’s become highly regarded amongst professors throughout the world. Moodle is an open–source application, that’s backed up by a huge community around the world and which currently serves about 7 million e–learning websites and over a million educators.

Moodle can be utilized for a primary school web site or for a massive university student web site that has a huge number of users. A great number of institutions employ it as a system for conducting online courses. Moodle provides an assortment of exercise modules (for example – discussion boards, databases and wikis) for creating richly collaborative e–learning communities.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and shares no affiliation with AzureVantage.

eLearning Linux Hosting Service Services

By employing our eLearning Linux hosting service solution, you can have your e–learning web site set up on the internet with just a click. You only need to select Moodle from the web app drop–down menu located on the sign–up form and we’ll configure your online studying environment once we prepare your account. This will give you the opportunity to start working on your e–learning project immediately after the sign–up procedure has been finalized.

Each and every eLearning Linux hosting service package is backed up by a number of service guarantees for the hassle–free functioning of one’s web based classes. Your account is going to be created cost–free and will come with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. On top of that, if you’re not content with our eLearning Linux hosting service solution, you can make use of the 30–day money–back guarantee.