The semi-dedicated servers, available from AzureVantage certainly are a wonderful website hosting solution. Check out their video demonstration.

Our semi–dedicated servers come in AzureVantage’s cutting–edge US datacenter. This data center found in the heart of Chicago features unrivaled power and cooling opportunities. It’s also founded a huge peering network along with other data centers and network providers, simultaneously nearby and all over the world. What this means is, that it has unparalleled connectivity levels.

All the semi–dedicated servers are designed over an SE Linux, a particular security superior version of Linux, that was furthermore seriously fine–tuned by our sys admins. Consequently you can feel risk–free using your semi–dedicated server – there aren’t any viruses and trojans on our machines. Along with tools such as ModSecurity, your web sites as well as web applications are going to be easily resistant to the most prevalent hacker strikes. Each server also offers abundant CPU and MySQL usage quotas, adequate to power just about any website or web app.

Every single semi–dedicated server will come with the custom made Website Control Panel. It’s an excellent source of beneficial tools and no charge bonuses, that can assist you bring your website one stage further.